Desserts shops and easy microwavable premixes can only do so much to sate your appetite before your fingers start itching to make your own baked goods. So now that you’ve got your brand new convection oven all set up, but there’s so many functions and dials! Have you ever looked at all the symbols on your oven and wondered what they actually all do? Most of us buy an oven with the hopes that it will serve us well for years to come, which is why maintaining your oven properly is essential. What’s more, you ideally want your oven to have all the baking functions you need – but what oven symbols mean what? Sit back and relax, here’s an easy guide to learn all you need to know about it.
Oven Storage and Handling Tips
First thing first, let’s go on a quick overview of what types of oven there usually are, the oven storage, and also handling tips. It’s highly advisable that you apply them to your oven so that you get the best baking experience. Check them out below.

Oven Symbols
Ovens cooking functions are displayed on the front panel via symbols. Understanding these oven symbols is not only important for successful baking but also important to keep your oven in good nick. Using them incorrectly could cause your oven to trip or fuses to blow and that’s a major inconvenience, even if you have good oven insurance. To help you understand the various oven symbols and their baking functions, here are the commonly used symbols.
1. Fan
2. Light
3. Oven defrosting
4. Timer
5. Lower Heat only

Rest assured, an oven is an investment that won’t go to waste! After all, you can make more than just desserts in your oven, you can make whole meals there too! All these guides that we listed above are aimed to make your baking journey do-able and smooth, even if you are a beginner! We hope that you know better on how to handle and fully utilize your oven more. If you have curiosity, let us know or better yet, ask and meet your future baking friends in our community!
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