Acrylic Painting
Embark on a painting journey.
Embark on a painting journey.
Embark on a painting journey and explore techniques and mediums specific to acrylic paints. You will learn how to combine techniques to produce different effects, how to blend, control drying speed, create a non-drying palette, create textures and wet on wet effects.
This intensive workshop is great for beginners and more experienced painters who want to perfect their techniques.
Maybe you’ll find something you’re good at! By taking a workshop you might find a new talent you didn’t know you had that turns into a lasting hobby. And if it is something you have tried out before, this could be a great opportunity to learn a different approach or technique while connecting with other like-minded people.
By the end of your workshop, you will have something physical that you can bring home. Whether you want to give it to someone you love or display it in your home, it’s a thing you can be proud of and is guaranteed to make you smile.
Art is a great stress reliever. It can be an outlet for anyone who wants to express their emotions or a space to be creative. Using your hands and being inventive is good for your well-being. Also, we all know it’s
important to take time for yourself, and a workshop is a great place to
do that.
It is a great way to teach hands-on skills as it gives learners an opportunity to try out new methods and fail in a safe environment.
Acrylic paint can actually dry a shade darker than they appear when wet. To determine what shade the final dried result will be, do a test patch on a canvas pad, panel, or acrylic painting pad.
Acrylic paint is naturally very fast drying, so it’s important to develop a habit of painting quickly. Remember that once the paint is dry, it cannot be re-activated.
Acrylic paints look fantastic on canvas, however, one of the best things about acrylic paint is that it can be used on practically any porous surface that has been prepared. This includes Paper and Cardboard, Wood, Fabric, Metal, and Glass.
Acrylic paint is made from pigment and plasticizers and acrylic polymer emulsion, and are water-based, and are typically water-resistant once fully dried.