We will split your team into a group of 7-10 players. A maximum of 10 players
Each group will be assigned to complete a mission to survive in this mystery forest~
Players get to enjoy the surviving experience by building something, convey the right message while carrying out their survival mission.
Confident of your hiking abilities, you and your friends head off on the treacherous safari forest without a guide. But, after several hours of battling severe weather you become lost. With the deadliest insects and animals lurking besides you, you and your friends have to find ways to escape the safari forest before you and your friends become the prey.
We believe that focusing on team building through games and fun activities also brings out the positive emotions in participants – fun, happiness, curiosity, excitement and anticipation. With enormous teamwork required in the decision making during our team building games, as well as the opportunity to try out new and unconventional challenges as a team, participants will develop an appreciation for the importance of their collaboration, which helps to foster and maximize organizational capability.