When it comes to Raya, we would surely think of new clothes, new accessories, the best would be having everything new! However, we do know that frantic buying would always lead to burning a hole in your wallet. So, the question now is how to spend and save at the same time? Follow these tips below to save a hunk and also look fabulous this Raya !
Mix and Match
Nowadays, traditional wear such as baju kurung and baju kebaya are heavily infused with modern trends. In a way, it makes it easier for you to mix and match different styles into one awesome outfit! You save more by styling your own baju kurung. No idea how? You can pair up a blouse with one long skirt or even long pants. The best part is you can style and wear it in any occasions such as dinner dates, wedding parties and even casual days out. You will have to choose each clothing diligently and wisely and trust me you would save a chunk of money.
Shop Online
No time to shop? Fret not! Why go out, when you can buy all of your favourite outfits with just a few clicks on your laptop. With the technology we have now, nothing is impossible. While you’re at it, don’t just scan through one online shop but go through a few to compare the prices and also the designs that they provide. You never know, you might just find the perfect outfit with the best price. However, do take note that despite its convenience, buying things through online could cause trouble when it comes to sizes. So, be sure to not only check the price but also the sizes and measurements you chose are correct. Another tip is that if there is an app for that particular website, be sure to use the app because they sometimes provide 5% to 10% discount!
Last Minute shopping!
They always say early birds get the best worms but when it comes to shopping for raya, the more you wait, the better! Why? Well, the later you wait, the higher the discount gets. Start buying your raya clothes a day or two before Raya and you’ll be surprise at the price you can get as most stores would want to clear all their stocks before the holidays begin. To avoid possible crowds, get there earlier and you never know, they might cut off few ringgits from the original price for being the first few customers!
Recycle them
Want something unique but tight on budget, just recycle your previous raya clothes and remake them into something different. Here, you can modify your raya clothes into any way you want. You might say that the prints or style of your previous raya clothes is outdated and may not put you to the centre of attention, but raya clothes are timeless! What matters most is the way you style them. You can customize your look by making them just the way you want it to be.
Well there you have it, a few tips to look fabulous and save yourself from spending too much this Raya. With raya spirit full swinging, eat and play hard because #rayaishere!
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