With billions of Facebook users worldwide, chances of knowing what and how Facebook works is common but there’s so much more of Facebook that we don’t know and probably not using it to its full potential in our organisation or business. Well, I got the chance to experience and indulge myself into the world of Facebook last weekend!! With Facebook being one of the world’s largest social network sites, there’s countless things that can be done.

The class began with introducing what Facebook is and how common it is used in businesses. We were then required to introduce themselves and voice out our goals on joining the class and the knowledge that we wish to gain. It was great to begin with stating out our goals, because only then we will have a clearer and bigger picture of what we want and what can be  gained from the class to further enhance on what we have to something even bigger and better!

Different methods and strategies that are commonly used in Facebook Marketing were well explained given with examples. The flow of the class was rather smooth, slides shown led me through the stages of developing and implementing a business focused on Facebook Marketing.

What I found really interesting is that there are a lot more of strategic ideas and concepts that is unknown to many, well at least I’ve never heard of it !! (: These strategies are important and students must grasp the concept to be able to execute and also harness the full capability of Facebook. Everyone was very attentive, almost all were busy jotting down notes on both their notebook and phone. We were also given tasks to work on.

I would say the best part of this Facebook Marketing class is that students were given the chance to experience it themselves . It leaned more on the practical approach where hands-on tasks were given on the spot. Students will have to use what they have learnt into action. By this, you don’t only get to absorb the knowledge but to also sharpen your skills. Moreover, mistakes can be corrected right away. You don’t have to crack you head off and be all clueless when you head home.

But all good things comes to an end. To be honest, when I found out that the class would be a 2-day training workshop, I had doubts on whether I can stay focused in class. To my surprise, I DID IT! It was a really good experience ~~ Any of you who are interested in knowing more of Facebook Marketing strategies, no matter for fun or business. You should definitely give this class a try!


And that’s a wrap! Till then have a great weekend! Stay tuned for more #experiencewithmwp (:(: