What’s the perfect pastry to complement an afternoon tea on a Sunday? Drum roll……Roll cakes! Roll cakes, also known as Swiss rolls, are fun to slice as it is to eat. Here’s a fun fact, Swiss rolls do not originate from Switzerland, in spite of the name, and its origins are still a mystery, although many sources claim that it came from Central Europe, likely Austria. Surprising? Bet it is!
The secret story to this cake sushi is while it looks like it would be hard to make, on the contrary, it is pretty easy. Matter-of-fact, you can mix things up while making them to create interesting variants and flavours. Roll cakes have gotten a significant step-up among pastry chefs and aficionado recently with the advent of ‘Deco Roll cakes’, the creative brainchild of Junko, a baker from Japan. Deco roll cakes are essentially patterned roll cakes. Instead of the usual uni-coloured cake layer at the outside, deco roll cakes feature patterns and designs of all kinds which makes them an eye-catching cake artistry.
My Weekend Plan is going to share with you the essentials of baking this cake right, so that you can impress your friends when they come over for an afternoon tea!
Like with all of our recipes, we’ll breakdown the components of this cake so that you can nail them right one at a time. You’ll need no more than 2 hours for making this cake. There are 3 essential parts to this artistic cake – the pattern, the cake and the cream filling.
The first thing you’ll want to work on is the pattern that you want on the cake itself. This is entirely up to you and is where you can express your creativity to the max. Hearts, flowers, polka dots – the choice is yours. You can search for deco cake designs online or create one yourself when we teach you how in our baking class. Decide on the design, and then proceed on to make the batter for the design. Our personal favourite are hearts, so we’re went for chocolate hearts.

Have your design ready on paper and put it on a baking tray. Next, place a parchment paper over it. Place the batter you made into a piping bag and pipe it out over the parchment paper by tracing over the design you made. Bake them in the oven for 1.5 minutes.
Next prepare the cake batter and pour it over the pre-baked design in the baking tray. Whack the tray against the work surface to remove any air bubbles. Bake it for 15 minutes. Once it’s done, remove the cake from the oven, flip it up, and peel off the parchment paper straight away.
While the cake cools, make the cream filling. Our favourite part of this pastry, we love to make a generous amount of cream filling because often, we’ve eaten roll cakes that have too little cream filling which makes the cake too dry to eat. Whip the cream till its thick.
Last step, the assembly – flip the cake over so that the pattern is at the bottom. Slices of the edges so that you’ll get a clean rectangle to work with. Spread the cream evenly and generously over the cake. Here’s a quick hint – you’ll want to baste the cake base before spreading the cream so that you’ll get a nice moist cake. Lift the front edge of the cake and start rolling! Tadaa! You’ve created your very own deco roll cake.
Refrigerate the cake for few hours before you start slicing into it. If the cake turns out too dry, has uneven cracks on the outside, or if the cake seems longer and skinner than expected, you had probably skipped a few important steps. But don’t worry, join us today and learn different baking or cooking techniques to create different delicacies! Contact us to book your slot if you are staying in KL or PJ area and we will teach you the steps to take in making a perfect, fatter, fluffier moist deco roll cake!
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